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Le renvoi à l'avenir

Les phrases correctes

Les phrases correctes

Sélectionnez les phrases dans lesquelles l'expression de l'avenir est correcte.

  • 1. It looks like it will rain.
  • 2. Are you ready? Our guests will be arriving in a few minutes.
  • 3. He leaves in a few days.
  • 4. Why have you brought your laptop? Are you about to work this weekend?
  • 5. I hope she calls me this evening.
  • 6. He is having a house built. It is standing on a wooded hill of Northern Virginia.

Correction des phrases erronées

1. It looks like it will rain.

→ It looks like it's going to rain.

3. He leaves in a few days.

→ He is leaving in a few days.

4. Why have you brought your laptop? Are you about to work this weekend?

→ Why have you brought your laptop? Are you going to work this weekend?

6. He is having a house built. It is standing on a wooded hill of Northern Virginia.

→ He is having a house built. It will stand on a wooded hill of Northern Virginia.
