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Le renvoi à l'avenir

Traduire une action à venir (1)

Traduire une action à venir (1)

Choisissez la bonne traduction.

  1. Ton assiette est sale, donne-la moi, je vais la laver.

    • a. Your plate is dirty, give it to me. I'll wash it.
    • b. Your plate is dirty, give it to me. I'm going to wash it.
  2. Que va-t-il faire de tout cet argent ?

    • a. What does he do with all this money?
    • b. What's he going to do with all this money?
  3. D'ici là, il aura changé d'avis.

    • a. By then, he will have changed his mind.
    • b. By then, he will change his mind.