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Les quantifieurs

Des quantifieurs bien employés (1)

Des quantifieurs bien employés (1)

Sélectionnez les phrases dans lesquelles l'emploi des quantifieurs est correct.

  • 1. He didn't see her again for all a year.
  • 2. He was enough stupid to refuse!
  • 3. Everybody enjoyed the show, didn't they?
  • 4. I have a check-up with the dentist every six months.
  • 5. Most of Americans have a car.

Correction des phrases erronées

1. He didn't see her again for all a year.

→ He didn't see her again for a whole year.

2. He was enough stupid to refuse!

→ He was stupid enough to refuse!

5. Most of Americans have a car.

→ Most Americans have a car.
