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Les articles

Des articles bien employés (1)

Des articles bien employés (1)

Sélectionnez la (ou les) phrase(s) correcte(s).

  • 1. The tigers are solitary animals.
  • 2. The most people would have the same reaction.
  • 3. This show is extremely popular with the young.
  • 4. He thinks he has freedom to do just what he likes.
  • 5. We had a very bad weather in Ireland the last summer.

Correction des phrases erronées

1. The tigers are solitary animals.

Tigers are solitary animals.

2. The most people would have the same reaction.

Most people would have the same reaction.

4. He thinks he has freedom to do just what he likes.

→ He thinks he has the freedom to do just what he likes.

5. We had a very bad weather in Ireland the last summer.

→ We had very bad weather in Ireland last summer.
