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Génitif, nom + of + nom ou nom composé ?

Relier deux noms (1)

Relier deux noms (1)

Sélectionnez la (ou les) phrase(s) correcte(s).

  • 1. We have started saving for a round the world trip.
  • 2. It was the end's beginning.
  • 3. He has devoured ten pounds' worth of beef today.
  • 4. For Heaven sake, Rex, stop begging!
  • 5. How was your job's interview?

Correction des phrases erronées

2. It was the end's beginning.

→ It was the beginning of the end.

4. For Heaven sake, Rex, stop begging!

→ For Heaven's sake, Rex, stop begging!

5. How was your job's interview?

→ How was your job interview?
